Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice.
AB □ Black cherry □ Cabbage □ Carrot □ Celery □ Cranberry □ Grape □ Papaya » Go to Juices: Beneficial | Neutral | To Be Avoided (Words Count: Approximately 51)
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice.
AMost fruits are allowed for Group A, although try to emphasize more alkaline fruits can help to balance the grains that are acid forming in Group A muscle tissues. □ Blackberries □ Blueberries □ Boysenberries □ Cranberries □ Figs, dried, fresh □ Plums, dark green, red □ Prunes □ Raisins
The digestive enzyme in this fruit is an excellent digestive aid for Group A: □ Apricot □ Cherries □ Pineapples
These fruits exhibit alkaline tendencies after digestion which has a positive effects on the Group A stomach: □ Grapefruit □ Lemons
B □ Bananas □ Cranberries □ Figs, dried, fresh □ Grapes, black, concord, green, red □ Kiwifruit □ Papaya □ Plum, dark, green, red
This fruit has enzymes that help Group B to digest their food more easily: □ Pineapple
AB Emphasize the more alkaline fruits to balance the grains that are acid forming in Group AB muscle tissues: □ Cherries □ Cranberries □ Figs, dried, fresh □ Gooseberries □ Grapes, all kinds □ Loganberries □ Plum, all kinds
Tropical fruits don't agree with Group AB, but pineapple is an excellent digestive aid for Group AB: □ Pineapple
This exhibits alkaline tendencies after digestion: □ Grapefruit
This aids digestion and clearing mucus from the system: □ Lemon
Vitamin C-rich fruits help to prevent stomach cancer because of their antioxidant properties: □ Kiwifruit
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice.
These vegetables irritate the digestive tract and the high mold count can aggravate Group O hypersensitivity problems: □ Alfalfa sprouts □ Mushrooms, shiitake □ Olives, black, fermented
These vegetables can cause arthritic conditions in Group O: □ Eggplant □ Potatoes, red, white
This vegetable affects the production of insulin, often lead to obesity and diabetes for the Group O: □ Corn, white, yellow
A Group A is very sensitive to these vegetables. They have a strong deleterious effect on the Group A digestive tract. □ Cabbage, red, white, Chinese □ Eggplant □ Mushrooms, domestic □ Olives, black, Greek □ Peppers, red, yellow, green, jalapeno □ Potatoes, red, white, sweet □ Tomatoes □ Yams
B □ Artichokes, domestic, Jerusalem □ Avocados, California □ Mung sprouts □ Pumpkin □ Radishes □ Tempeh □ Tofu
This vegetable contains a lectin that irritate the stomach lining of Group B: □ Tomatoes
This vegetable has insulin- and metabolism-upsetting lectin for Group B: □ Corn, yellow, white
The mold in this can trigger allergic reactions: □ Olives, black, Greek, green, Spanish
AB □ Artichokes, domestic, Jerusalem □ Avocados, California □ Corn, white, yellow □ Olives, black □ Peppers, red, green, yellow, jalepeno □ Radishes □ Radish sprouts □ Mung sprouts
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice.