Two dozen scientists from ten countries met last fall in Lyon, France to discuss the theory that night lights may cause cancer. They reported that six of eight studies on the subject show that shift work increases risk for breast cancer (Lancet, December 2007).
Melatonin is a potent hormone produced by our brain at night. It has strong anti-oxidant properties that help to prevent cells from becoming cancerous. However, if a person sees bright lights at night, the brain stops making melatonin, and these people may be at increased risk for several cancers. The panel concluded that bright lights at night are probably carcinogenic.
After waking up from sleep in the morning, when is the best time for breakfast? According to nutritionists, the best time for breakfast is about 30 minutes after waking up. This is the time we have the best appetite, and our digestive system also works at its optimal level. Before taking breakfast, it’s good to consume 500ml of plain water. Not only it helps in digestion, it also helps to rehydrate the body, detoxifies the body, and reduces the stickiness of the blood.
The types of food for breakfast should be easily digested, highly nutritious but not oily. It’s best to consist of the following four (4) groups of food: First is bread, porridge or other carbohydrates. Second is meat, egg or other animal-based product. Third is milk or bean-made products. Fourth are fresh greens and fruits.
Breakfast should be served warm and not overly cold, as cold food reduces the function of our digestive tracts.
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice. Continued from Part 3... » Start from Part 1 » Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet » Go to Blood Group Diet: O | A | B
Foods that cause Weight Gain □ Red meat – stores as fat, is poorly digested, and creates toxicity in the intestinal tract □ Kidney beans, lima beans – cause hypoglycemia, slow metabolic rate, and inhibit insulin efficiency □ Seeds – inhibit insulin efficiency □ Corn – causes hypoglycemia □ Buckwheat – decreases metabolism □ Wheat – decreases metabolism, is an inefficient use of calories, inhibits insulin efficiency
In a nutshell Group AB individuals should avoid taking beef and chicken.
The recommended diet ratio for Group AB individuals: □ Vegetables: 55% □ Rhizomes: 15% □ Fruits: 5% □ Grains, nuts and seeds: 15% □ Eggs, goat milk, and their derivative products: 10% In term of exercises, group AB individuals are advised to take light- to moderate-intensity workout.
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice. Continued from Part 3... Start from Part 1 » Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet » Go to Blood Group Diet: O | A | AB Food that stimulate Weight Loss □ Green vegetables – aid metabolism □ Meat, liver – aid metabolism □ Eggs, low-fat dairy products – aid metabolism □ Licorice tea – counters hypoglycemia
Foods that cause Weight Gain □ Corn, lentils – hamper metabolic rate, inhibit insulin efficiency, and cause hypoglycemia □ Peanuts – hamper metabolic efficiency, cause hypoglycemia, and inhibit liver function □ Sesame seeds – hamper metabolic efficiency and cause hypoglycemia □ Buckwheat – inhibits digestion, causes hypoglycemia, and hampers metabolic efficiency □ Wheat – slows digestive and metabolic processes, causes foods to store as fat, and inhibits insulin efficiency
In a nutshell Group B individuals are not suitable to take chicken. And their chances of suffering from leukemia are much higher than that in other blood groups.
The recommended diet ratio for Group B individuals: □ Vegetables: 55% □ Fruits: 10% □ Rhizomes: 15% □ Grains, nuts and seeds: 10% □ Eggs, goat milk, and their derivative products: 10%
In term of exercises, group B individuals are advised to take moderate-intensity workout, such as brisk walking for 30 minutes.
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice. Continued from Part 3... Start from Part 1 » Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet » Go to Blood Group Diet: O | B | AB Foods that stimulate Weight Loss □ Vegetable oils – prevent water retention and aid digestion □ Soy foods – metabolize rapidly and aid digestion □ Vegetables – aid digestion and increase intestinal mobility □ Pineapple – increases calorie utilization and intestinal mobility
Foods that cause Weight Gain □ Meat – stores as fat, increase digestive toxins, and digests poorly □ Dairy foods – inhibit nutrient metabolism □ Kidney beans, lima beans – slow metabolic rate and interfere with digestive enzymes □ Wheat – overabundance impairs calorie utilization In a nutshell Group A individuals should avoid consuming dairy products, and reduce foods prepared through frying, deep-frying, stir-frying and roasting. Taking in too much meat inhibits the normal bodily organs from functioning well, and thus increases the chances of suffering from heart attack, brain tumor, stroke, constipation, skin cancer and other cancer.
The recommended diet ratio for Group A individuals: □ Vegetables: 55% □ Fruits: 20% □ Grains, nuts and seeds (beans and legumes should be consumed after sprouting): 20% □ Eggs and seafood (if already consumed eggs for the day, one should restrain from consuming seafood, and vice versa): 5%
In term of exercises, group A individuals are not suitable to engage in high-intensity workouts. It is recommended to practice yoga, qi gong, tai chi and other related activities. Spend more time in meditation helps to calm both the mind and the body, and achieve overall well-being.
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice. Continued from Part 3... » Start from Part 1 » Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet » Go to Blood Group Diet: A | B | AB
Foods that stimulate Weight Loss □ Red meat – stimulates metabolism □ Broccoli, spinach, and kale - stimulate metabolism □ Seafood, kelp – contain iodine and stimulates thyroid hormone production □ Iodized salt – contains iodine and stimulates thyroid hormone production □ Liver - stimulates metabolism
Foods that cause Weight Gain □ Corn – slows the metabolism □ Cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts – inhibit thyroid hormone □ Mustard greens – inhibit thyroid production □ Lentils – inhibit improper nutrient metabolism □ Navy beans, kidney beans – impair calorie utilization □ Wheat gluten – slows the metabolism In a nutshell Group O individuals need to consume small amount of meat from time to time. If Group O individuals go on long term vegetarian diet, their bodies are unable to absorb the necessary and complete nutrients needed by the autoimmune system, and thus will fall sick easily.
The recommended diet ratio for Group O individuals: □ Vegetables: 75% □ Fruits: 10% □ Meats, seafood, small amount of goat milk (not cow milk): 10% □ Seeds and grains: 5%
In term of exercises, it is recommended to go on personal favourite high-intensity workouts in order to achieve high aerobic result, such as playing football, rope skipping, jumping, running, 100-m sprint and so on.
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice. Continued from Part 2... » Start from Part 1 » Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet » Go to Blood Group Diet: O | A | B Strengths □ Only blood type with two dominant traits □ Friendliest immune system
Weaknesses □ Pattern of hormonal imbalance □ Tendency to chemical imbalance disorders
Health Risks □ Cancer □ Heart disease □ Anemia □ Autoimmune disease □ Women tend to have menstrual problems and migraines and other headaches □ Diabetes □ Schizophrenia □ Acute respiratory disease
Nutritional Profile □ Mixed diet in moderation □ Limited to small amounts of animal protein □ Eat turkey; cod; mahimahi; navy, pinto, and soybeans; oat and rice flours; collard, dandelion, and mustard greens; figs; grapes; plums □ Avoid chicken, duck, all pork and venison, clams, crab, haddock, lobster and shrimp, kidney and lima beans, white and yellow corn, peppers, guava, mangoes, oranges.
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice. Continued from Part 2... » Start from Part 1 » Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet » Go to Blood Group Diet: O | A | AB Strengths □ Naturally strong immune system □ Acquires most essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from food more easily than As or Abs □ Lives longer than As and Abs □ Second most muscular
Weaknesses □ Some chronic medical problems such as skin disorders or foot problems
Health Risks □ Polio □ Lupus □ Lou Gehrig’s disease □ Multiple sclerosis □ Arthritis □ Oral cancer, breast cancer □ Leukemia
Nutritional Profile □ Balanced omnivore □ Can eat meat in moderation □ Metabolizes dairy foods fairly well □ Eat lamb; venison; cod; grouper; farmer, feta, and mozzarella cheese; kidney, lima, navy, and soybeans; broccoli; cabbage; collard and mustard greens; pineapples; plums □ Avoid chicken, American cheese, ice cream, wheat, white and yellow corn, pumpkin, tofu, persimmons, rhubarb Continue to Part 4...
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice. Continued from Part 2... » Start from Part 1 » Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet » Go to Blood Group Diet: O | B | AB Strengths □ Adapts well to dietary and environmental conditions
Weaknesses □ Thick blood □ Shortest life plan □ Affected by stress more than other blood groups □ Sensitive digestive tract □ Vulnerable immune system □ Must avoid almost all animal protein
Health Risks □ Heart disease □ Cancer, such as digestive tract, tongue, stomach, esophagus □ High blood pressure and hypertension □ Enlarged heart muscle □ Decreased immune function and causing tuberculosis, diphtheria, flu, staphylococcus suppuration infection, salmonella bacillus sickness □ Anemia □ Liver disorders □ Gallbladder disorders □ Diabetes
Nutritional Profile □ Vegetarian □ Eat soybeans and tofu, and drink green tea for anti-oxidant qualities; eat grouper, cod, and salmon; eat soy cheese and drink soy milk; eat lentils, broccoli, carrots, romaine lettuce, spinach, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, prunes, raisins □ Avoid animal fat; meat or dairy product; meat-and-potato diet; kidney, lima, and navy beans; durum wheat; eggplant’ peppers; tomatoes; cantaloupe; honeydew melons Continue to Part 4...
Disclaimer: The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice. Continued from Part 2... » Start from Part 1 » Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet » Go to Blood Group Diet: A | B | AB
Strengths □ Thinnest blood □ Strongest stomach acid □ Strong immune system □ Longest life span □ Metabolizes food well □ Neutralizes cholesterol □ Low blood clot risk
Weaknesses □ Thin blood may not clog well in brain □ Intolerant of newer dietary and environmental conditions □ Greatest threshold for abuse of smoking, alcohol, etc
Health Risks □ Strokes □ Blood disorders, like hemophilia and leukemia □ Arthritis □ Inflammatory diseases, like such as liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, abscess □ Ulcers, like gastric ulcer and duodenum disease □ Allergies like bronchial tube asthma
Nutritional Profile □ High Protein: Meat eaters □ Animal protein primary source □ Foods rich in vitamin K □ Eat beef, salmon, mozzarella cheese, pinto beans, artichoke, broccoli, greens, figs, plums □ Avoid pork, wheat, corn, lentils, navy beans, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, melons, oranges