Friday, September 19, 2008

Blood Group Diet: B (Part 4 of 4)

The contents provided are for your information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or other qualified health professional for further medical advice.

Continued from Part 3...
Start from Part 1
» Start from Introduction: Blood Group & Diet
» Go to Blood Group Diet: O | A | AB

Blood Group B: Food that stimulate Weight Loss
Food that stimulate Weight Loss
□ Green vegetables – aid metabolism
□ Meat, liver – aid metabolism
□ Eggs, low-fat dairy products – aid metabolism
□ Licorice tea – counters hypoglycemia

Blood Group B: Foods that cause Weight Gain
Foods that cause Weight Gain
□ Corn, lentils – hamper metabolic rate, inhibit insulin efficiency, and cause hypoglycemia
□ Peanuts – hamper metabolic efficiency, cause hypoglycemia, and inhibit liver function
□ Sesame seeds – hamper metabolic efficiency and cause hypoglycemia
□ Buckwheat – inhibits digestion, causes hypoglycemia, and hampers metabolic efficiency
□ Wheat – slows digestive and metabolic processes, causes foods to store as fat, and inhibits insulin efficiency

In a nutshell
Group B individuals are not suitable to take chicken. And their chances of suffering from leukemia are much higher than that in other blood groups.

The recommended diet ratio for Group B individuals:
□ Vegetables: 55%
□ Fruits: 10%
□ Rhizomes: 15%
□ Grains, nuts and seeds: 10%
□ Eggs, goat milk, and their derivative products: 10%

In term of exercises, group B individuals are advised to take moderate-intensity workout, such as brisk walking for 30 minutes.

(Words Count: Approximately 233)

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